
As a knowledge partner in educational logistics, we have been creating a balance between employees, processes and systems within organizations for more than 5 years.

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TinQwise creates innovative digital learning solutions for various businesses. They develop learning solutions that preferably speak to the mind (IQ) and to the heart (EQ) and that help organisations realise their goals and dreams. They hire for annual Traineeships.

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tts is a full service provider for performance support, talent management and corporate learning. We help our customers to develop to their full potential with innovative solutions in the IT and SAP environments. Reliability, integrity and competence form the basis for a long-term and collaborative partnership.

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Bij Hogeschool Rotterdam studeren ruim 40.000 studenten en er zijn zo'n 4.000 medewerkers werkzaam. Het opleidingsassortiment bestaat uit een breed aanbod in bijna alle onderwijssectoren. Het onderwijs is nauw verweven met de grootstedelijke ontwikkelingen in de regio Rotterdam. In een voortdurende wisselwerking en samenwerking delen wij kennis, kunde en ervaring met het bedrijfsleven, instellingen en overheid.

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Radboud University is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands and offers the ideal atmosphere for your education and research. Set on an expansive, Green campus, Radboud hosts state-of-the-art facilities housed in beautiful, modern architecture. Research and education at Radboud University cover a wide range of disciplines, and at Radboud we encourage you to share ideas with your colleagues from other faculties. Radboud is host to 14 research institutes, many of which are world leading in their field- so your ideas have room to grow. You will benefit from a personal and close-knit education and research environment. By collaborating with students, teachers, professors, and scientists from different disciplines, you will broaden your perspective and develop exciting, new insights. Come to Nijmegen and change perspective!

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Serving and enhancing society to help citizens. That is what drives us. It was the opinion of Tilburg University’s founding father, Martinus Cobbenhagen, that those who want to understand society should be actively and consciously involved in it.

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The University of Twente offers a wide range of programmes from pre-University programmes to in-company training sessions and from summer school to part-time Master's. There is a variety of programs available including technical medicine, robotics, IT, business & public policy, chemistry and engineering science, earth observation, natural or social sciences. Our view of the world, in which you work or will work later on, has led us to an unique vision on education - and on the kind of scientists, engineers, and professionals our future will need. We are facing challenges that are more complex than any mankind has faced before. Solving those problems calls for creative, cross-disciplinary thinking - which is why we combine technology and engineering with behavioural and social sciences. No matter which programme, training or course you follow, we strongly encourage you to cross boundaries, connect disciplines.

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